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Team Printing - Making Strides Towards 3D Printing the Torches


For the past three weeks, our team has been exploring different options regarding how to 3D print the torches for our project. We have discussed several options that all involve different shapes and sizes of the torches along with how they will be attached and secured to the payload.

Since our class decided to include five different video camera angles, we initially explored the idea of printing three individual torches that we would place separately in front of three cameras. However, this idea failed due to this option not being aesthetically pleasing. Also, using this method would’ve made it extremely difficult to attach the torches without them facing the threat of breaking off. An unequal distribution of weight would’ve also been an issue had we gone with this idea.

Another element of these torches that we have had to consider is the color and the lights. We had several different options with these designs. We explored the ideas of printing in different colors, or printing with a transparent filament and painting over it. After careful consideration, we have decided to print with the transparent filament and paint the torches in the way that we want. Printing with several different filament colors would’ve been too difficult for the printer. We are still playing with different ways to attach LED lights to the design. We have not reached a decision about the lights yet- it’s looking like we are going to have to make a decision about the wiring of the lights after we solidify the design and attachment of the torches to the payload. Either way, we are going to have to make sure that no wiring is peeking out if we decide to attach lights to our design.

Next, we had to modify our idea of having the torches be printed rounded to printing them in a flatter design. This way, we could attach the torches underneath the payload with the bottom camera facing down on the design. This allows us to have a more even distribution of weight and it will be less aesthetically confusing when the final product gets put together with the videos. We have been playing around with different designs with the torches. Initially, we were going to have the torches stand alone, but this design proved to be inefficient because there would be no good way to attach it to the payload. By adding a medallion around the outside of the torch design, we have more options as far as securing the design goes. We still have some kinks to work out with this design. Last class when we tried printing our medallion design, we had a malfunction that caused our design not to be able to print. We discovered that the thickness of the medallion being thicker than the thickness of the torches caused this malfunction. We are currently working on giving the torches and the medallion the same thickness to see if this fixes the problem.

Once we solve the problem of thickness and design with our torches, we will have to begin playing around with attaching and securing our design properly to the payload. We are going to try securing it by leaving a hole in the top of the medallion. In this hole we will attach a bolt or medal screw that will be able to attach properly. We are hoping that the use of a medal bolt will help with the design being secure.

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